

Friday, February 21, 2014

.....Merry Xmas and a Happy New Pear


No.......Farmer Deno knows it's not the holidays....but we sure have been planting the hillside with this "Christmas pear." It's popular in holiday gift fruit baskets, so it has become known as the "Christmas pear."

Oh...now you recognized it!

Pictured here is a red Comice, a variety of Comice pears that is still relatively new on the market...very sweet, creamy textured, and juicy. We tested this fruit tree only to find out that it is ......very sweet, creamy textured, and juicy! Fact is....the fruit was so sweet.....was like eating candy.

Today I was installing more of the artichoke crop along side of the line of trees. By next year......there be several hundred artichoke plants among the pear orchard. Driving past our farm...one may have a hard time seeing these trees. Well......don't squint to look....these trees are little "whips" in the ground.

Happy New Pear to you all.........

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