

Sunday, February 2, 2014

We had to drive by to see the no sign fruit stand....

Farmer Deno works out in the field all day long. Fact is.....you'll most likely will see me out there on most days. I get cars blowing their horns at me from passing neighbor......perhaps a loud scream out a passing car window......and sometimes a few will actually stop by to have a chat with me. I love it!

It seems that the top three topics in these drop by conversations is always bout the same. "Is this a farm"? :-) "How old are you"? :-(  "Do you have a fruit stand"? :-)

Well yes.....this is a farm. Unreal eh?

Oh.....I am 60 years of age....and only my sassy brat Granddaughter Branwyn is allowed to call me "old man" .

I 'll finish answering the questions....last explanation..... of the fruit-stand. "Well.....it's 45 feet right behind you"!

So I got the point lately to put up a few signs on the fruit-stand. I designed the fonts to look very 1930'ish......not too large.....nor small. Red and green colors. Very vintage I say.

I'll be installing the signs at the end of the week......and perhaps these laughing people in the blue station wagon will stop coming here each week ......mockingly asking....

"Where's the fruit stand"?

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