Thursday, March 6, 2014 da bing ba da boom

Yes.....we won.

We have eggs once again!

It's been a very long battle with the get the egg production back again. For those of you that are new to reading the Natomas blog has been an war with the chicken business for 3 years. The first year with these chickens was a wet year.....having been a greenhorn farmer....I built the chicken coop at a low land point of the farm. Yes....all that water was fun to wade through during the cold winter days. The three siblings of ol' Sparky Dog......discovering the joys of hunting chickens. Oh the list of comical events....the sad and frustrating endeavors of Farmer Deno was never ending.

No matter how much you study on the Google......or being the receivership of the friendly advice from the old timers that has been through the same.....eons ago........just be prepared for the unexpected. Sounds like life, eh?

Five months ago......the eggs just stopped. Overnight. No warnings. Strangest thing that I have seen on this five year project of mine. All attempts to fix "whatever it may be" failed. The final plan to fix "whatever it may be" was to sell off the chickens.....and then radically turn the coop and yard upside down....nothing was left untouched. Bleaching out the coops to cat traps. I caught a cat that was so fat......I darn near needed a plumber's plunger to get it out! Then there was the squirrel eradication. Oh Jezebel!

Finally.....a circle of my friends singing Kum Ba Yah at sunset.

Remember those new little flock of chickens that were born before winter? I moved them into the big coop area last week. Ba da bing ba da boom! Today we had a dozen eggs waiting for us!

Life is tough....farms are tough. Both you cannot give up on. Your rewards will come.

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