Saturday, March 29, 2014

.......Farmer Deno acts like a little baby at times

That's part of our farm there in the background. The white blips in the rear are our blossoming Pluot the right is the new prepared area for planting crops....and that water you see is the "dry" creek that ain't so flowing for this time of the turning to a stream.'s March madness with all the storms that we normally don't get.

It's so wet down here that the our neighbors Herb and Maria Liverett haven't had their nightly outdoor BBQ..... for a month! Oh my!

The sane farmers would love to have this rain....after being dry for most of the year. Not Farmer Deno.......for I had just planted our seeds for bell peppers, squashes and a handful of other that we have a variety of goods to sell at our fruit stand this coming May 24th...on forward. This weather front is presenting a cold front....and that it dropping the soil temperature drastically. Seeds like a nice cozy ...warm...bed to wake up from. Just like Farmer Deno and his dogs!

The late rains are more intense than what it is normally for late March....and that itself presents us with muddy fields. We are not able to complete our transformation of a weed infested horse pasture to a growing mecca of produce til' it dries ups. I also cannot complete the new fence that will keep the three Natomas most notorious troublemakers.....our horses.....out.  I wont even talk about the plumbing that can't be done out there in the field. brothers used to call me a big ol' cry baby.....and they still do.

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