

Sunday, March 30, 2014

.....feeding your farm dogs to be fast rabbit chasers

How many rabbits you think that ol Chuck here can catch? Perhaps on T.V. he can...but not out there in the fields.

A few months ago I said I was going to enter the recipe for our home made dog chow....at our http://www.thenatomasfarm.com/. Well....I never did and there are several readers such as Linda and David.....that have threaten to make me "walk the plank"....if I didn't get it up for them.

Putting the recipe in with our http://www.thenatomasfarm.com/#!recipes/cgel would had been "distasteful" for someone not reading that it was dog food :-)

Here's how you make it for slightly 15% more cost than that so called best dry food in a bag....you'll need a rather large pot.....I have a eight gallon size with a lid. Chicken is cheap and very healthy for dogs....it's  $.80 a pound for the "unknown" bulk brand.......and can be $.50 on sale. Fact is you have to keep an eye out for specials on chicken as Foster Farms brand was $.89 the other day. Turkey and ham works great too btw.

Three gallons of water and add 5 pounds of chicken parts. Bring to a mad boil.....then turn off the heat. I leave this on the stove over night and then proceed to finish the batch in the morning.

Now take out the chicken and remove the bones. Slips right off with ease. Place the meat back into the pot. Now bring to a boil again and then add five pounds of shredded carrots. A few pounds of potatoes and peas. Bring back to a boil. Now add the rice which is 5 pounds. Rice is cheap if you buy it at a cash n carry store. Once the rice is added....place a lid on the pot and turn off the heat. In a few hours...it is ready to be freezer bagged.

Our dogs showed a remarkable difference in three short days on this healthier diet. No more "hot" spots on their paws.....disappeared darn near instantly. Their fur is softer.....fluffier. Two weeks in the new diet....more active....slimmer.

I am hesitating whether to join the dogs at meal time ......I could use fluffier hair.

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