

Friday, March 21, 2014

....what's that in your delivered wood mulch pile?

I was reading an post that John Berchielli of Face Book had put up today. I read most of his posts.....all being of good stuff. He loves to post a lot about Hummingbirds and garden stuff. Did I say a lot of Hummingbird stuff? Yes.....one heck of a lot of Hummingbird stuff! Get to his page for some interesting stuff.....besides Hummingbird stuff !

Today he provided an link to a rather new site....that handles the distribution of that "waste"..... that the tree service businesses used to have to pay to rid of it at the city dump.  This site you can sign in....and either say you want the stuff...or that you are a legal tree service business that wants to give it away. http://www.chipdrop.in/login/

The Natomas Farm has been importing wood mulch for five years now.....from a prior business vendor that I used in our landscaping business. We gotten mountains of the stuff.......yet one must be extremely careful when getting the free stuff from a tree service.

My tree guy and I have a clear understanding of what is NOT to be dropped off at our farm......and that list is very important to follow...for us here at the farm. I still randomly check their trucks before they do the ol' dumpy dumpy.

For you at home too......a clear understanding of what is NOT to be dropped off.

Unless you are planning to start a pampas grass farm......perhaps a wild palm tree oasis.....pine needle death patch.......beware of what you may get! Many tree services do more that just take down trees....they will take out shrubs such as pampas grass, clean up old logs and wood piles......or just load up with pine needles.

I would say don't use pine needles, as they are highly acidic for the soil....slippery on a hot day.... takes a very long time to break down. Pampas grass is like the plague......thousands of air borne seeds that will hijack any yard. Bamboo ......the real Godzilla of the unwanties.  Godzilla will pop up everywhere that is imposable for life to exist. Old wood is a great cargo train for beetles.

Here's our advice on accepting wood mulch: Tell the tree service that you want wood mulch from trees only....no clean up projects or shrubs. Oh...and no palms! Be at your home at the arrival time.....to see the stuff.....dont take their word that it's all clean stuff.  Don't!  Have the stuff dumped in the street if that is allowed.....these trucks that are fully loaded are heavy. Heavy equals broken concrete driveways.

Last but not least......if you see any big ol' pods in that pile....try and not fall asleep.

Trust me on this advice..... you Humans

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