Wednesday, June 11, 2014 I know why to wear cowboy boots

What a week this has been....indeed! Farmer Deno and help has been out in the 100 plus degrees weather for nearly four days repairing and installing new fencing. Yep......hard work ladies and gentlemen. Hard work.

Of course I don't wear cowboy boots....those are too hot to wear during the summers. Other sort of boots.....are too heavy to wear. One gets tired feet in a hurry. You need to wear what Farmer Deno wears. Cheap tennis shoes. Cooler...lighter....easier to get on and off.

Working these past blistering days in the waist high fox tail weeds....securing off about ten new acres of great grazing land for our three horses.....was hell. The secret reason why cowboys wear those pointy boots with a high leathery "Boot Shaft" is to keep the weedy fox-tails from sticking into your socks! Farmer Deno spent more time cussing n pulling out these nuisances from hell.... than working on the fence line.

The  Natomas Farm has acquired the land that is east of us......for our three horses to think that they died and went off to heaven :-) The amount of grass shall feed the animals for at least 10 months out of the year. Another benefit that get is.....wild fire is a big concern here with the drought going on......and there is a huge grove of Eucalyptus Trees in the middle of all this dry ten acres. One careless fire and those trees will exploded from the high oil content. The horses are now "working" on fire prevention.

Time to go now...I need to go buy a pair of pointy boots to keep those fox tails away. I am thinking of getting the "sandal" type cowboy boots.

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