Wednesday, June 11, 2014

...........we actually ran out of berries

What a berry good season this has been. Officially is over since last Saturday and I won't miss it at all. Five weeks of hand picking each morning does get a little monotonous ...even with hired help.

The sales ....caught me off guard. We were selling by the flats mostly. There were a few mornings that we actually ran out of berries for our fruit stand. Good for so good for the client that drove away empty handed.

In a few months from now, I will be taking cuttings to create about a thousand new plants for the expansion of the berry crop. Ground clearance will commence in September .....guild wire installation.....drip systems. Farmer Deno's original concept for this farm was to be primary a berry farm....and that is happening. Our specially crops will remain or be expanded too such as the pluots and blood oranges.

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