Tuesday, August 12, 2014

.... the future Certified Farmers Market.

Farmer Deno has been busy not only with his farm....but other projects as well. Two of these projects will directly impact the town of Rio Linda. I will be talking about one of our projects here today. The other will be announced in 90 days and that is guaranteed to blow your socks off.

A few months ago I tried to get the current Peddlers Market to operate as a Farmers Market. That did not go well. Since that time...the current operators have added everything from hamburger trucks to some real good decent music to attract buyers. Still......there are less than four tables of produce..... after being in the park for the second season! I wish them the best of luck down there with all that carnival fan fair but they have missed the mark...and will fail. Enough talk of the Peddlers Market...and now action.

We have been busy working with the Department of Agriculture these past few weeks.....on creating a Certified Farmers Market here in Rio Linda.

We were given a green light.

Our new concept will not have any ties this this town's political groups or political persons.....or the drama queens.....and not the old guards. Too many regular folks have approached me to say.....we need a real farmers market that actually has produce vendors.

One might ask....where, when and what? A few months ago a location was secured for the future Certified Farmers Market. Saturday mornings. In town close to all. Paved and tree shaded lot. Clean and secured restrooms. There is much more to this location......we will be revealing the location at the first of February 2015.

What will be there is 15 vendors or various trades. That's 15 booths folks, You'll find fresh LOCAL produce, cheeses, meats, flowers, farm/ranch handmade items such as jams and soaps....more.

Oh.....and there will be a booth to grab a cup of coffee and fresh out of the over bakery goods.

I have created a "Founder's Group" that will make this all happen......and make the other project happen as well. Both ideas will serve Rio Linda's common folk that simple wants to buy fresh and local.

Oh.....and if you were one of the vendors selling at the Farmers Market several years ago ...contact me. We are likable. :-)

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