

Thursday, August 7, 2014

......melon smörgåsbord here we come.

The crazy and wild melons we grew this year as a test crop.....went over big time at our fruit stand and several vendors we contract with. Cantaloupes that looked like footballs and Black Watermelons that looked like "bowling balls"...... to the yellow and loosely netted, a very beautiful melon.....Boule d'Or that tastes like a mild cantaloupe crossed over with a honey dew.

End of summer we start clearing out the Apple Orchard for a melon(s) patch.The orchard is the scene of a fought battle between Farmer and Nature......we lost. Our adversary was the intense Fire Blight....a bacteria (Erwinia amylovora) which attacks starting generally from the blossoms or flowers and moving up to the twigs and then the branches.  Fire blight gets its name from the burnt appearance of affected blossoms and twigs.

Our farm has gain a reputation of having signature produce this past year.....and now we will have a melon reputation added......for having over 14 varieties melons. There will be a flora section as well....we plan to start selling flowers by the bundle and wholesale. It should be a very colorful space out there......and I know the neighbors Renee and Mark will love looking at it from their dinning room window!

Here's a few that will be coming.....

Ananas melon:
Sweet and juicy white flesh. A rare white muskmelon, fruit are around 5 lbs. An old 1800's heirloom.

Banana melon:
Banana-shaped fruit with smooth yellow skin and sweet, spicy salmon flesh. 16-24 inches long, 5-8 lbs. It was listed in 1885 by J. H. Gregory's Catalogue. Has a remarkably powerful and delicious fragrance.

4-5 lbs., round-oval muskmelon with salmon-orange sweet flesh.

Now we can think of all sorts of ways to market our melons. In my next post: how we will make millions selling melon attire .

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