Friday, August 1, 2014

.....once in a while a dark day happens

Moving from the city to a farm was really exciting.....and I am not talking about for us humans here, rather for the two dogs. Sparky and Shadow. These two spent a better half of their lives in the city....decent back yard lushed as a tropical jungle....and a front yard where they never ventured past the curb. Fair size yards to say.

For two weeks after moving to the farm.....the dogs would not venture off the hilltop where our house sits.......until they discovered that there was no curb! It was paradise.

As the last 5 years here...time has taken it's toll. Sparky is old and really enjoys her air condition house...venturing out once in a while.

Unfortunately Shadow had issues this past year...that finally caught up with her. We miss her laying near her bowl of food in the kitchen.....guarding it with pride. Her begging for white bread and dinner table plates to be cleaned off with an eager tongue.....and a wagging tail that created a breeze. Our K9 child is gone.

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