Saturday, August 23, 2014

No...we dont sell bananas and pineapples.

(This is a repost from a few months ago).

Farmer Deno gets a lot of questions about where to find fresh produce other than from our farm. We cant grow every thing....but I certainly can help you out on this question of "where".

Before you think that I am going to recommend a "locally grown" Farmer's are dearly wrong! I find that these so called Farmers market places are full of misconception and mystery produce. Then there is all the boutique booths. I can't stand it!

Locally to me is nearby. We found last September......Pluots being offer by a merchant in Davis. Farmer Deno know that the pluot season was long over for the Sacramento area I asked "where is your farm"?

Fresno! So they drive all the way up from Fresno to sell in Davis? Fuel and time cost. Not local. I question some of the other tables selling locally farmed produce. How can anyone be selling strawberries "out of season" ? How bout those pineapples I saw?! I suggest that you ask the vendor where their farm is....after did go there to buy fresh locally grown produce, right? Your definition and the Farmers Market definition of local can be vastly different.

Other red indicators at these market places are the lack of certified  produce......very few booths offer this. It means that the person selling produce has been inspected by the State of CA that he/she does indeed grow it on their farm.  I was watching merchants unloading cardboard boxes of produce from their big trucks. Sure looked like wholesale produce from the wholesaler's warehouse.

I can go on and on. Just not here......I have a special little space on my coming up website (www.thenatomasfarm) to talk about this :-)

Now here is what you should do......go here:

Find with ease....any farmer... in any county. Each farm has their own little page here that describes what the sell, when, and where. They also supply a vast amount of information about their operation ...including the type of farming they It's a wonderful site to get information on fresh and locally grown!

We are a member of this organization.

No...we dont sell bananas and pineapples. Go to Hawaii for fresh ones :-)

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