Saturday, September 27, 2014

..... we came, we saw, we conquered.

This battle out there at The Natomas Farm for the tasty young crops is nearly won. We have managed to take out 70% of Farmer Deno's newly planted starter plants. He has tried in vain to repel our advancing army.

Our adversary is using liquid soap sprays on the crops.....motion sensor Rainbirds devices to scare us.....him sleeping out there in his truck at the battle zone with his three K9s for 6 straight nights.....has not deterred us. We are winning.
Sign, Commander Hare

Farmer Deno's response to this is:  the battle is lost but not the war. Next Spring I will say "veni, vidi, vici".

Next week I am installing a rabbit proof fence around the entire planting area.....8 inches underground to 24 inches above ground.
Sign, Farmer Deno

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