Monday, November 17, 2014

......the tree had it's revenge

Once upon a time....a long long time ago...there was an old tall tree on a farm. It was pleading with the farmer not to chop it down.....but the farmer had to chop chop make room for a new chicken coop.

The tree's pleading cast upon deaf ears..... and down went the old a little stubby trunk on the ground. Short and ugly....and intruding it became. Now there that once proud tall, tree laid.... in the path of the walking trail that lead to the chicken coop's front door.....for a long time.

The tree had it's revenge

That once upon a time old tall tree.... made sure that the farmer's toe would get stubbed each time he walked to the coop for egg collections. For three years this went on......accomplishing the creation of many purple toes......til one day last week..........

Farmer Deno started to drill many holes in that trunk of pain.

Next up .....he soaked a container of BBQ charcoal fluid overnight. The next morning....a bag of charcoal was piled up top of the stumpy trunk. A wind breaker. Then a match.

Two days later.....the low level fire ate the stumpy trunk and it's roots.

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