Friday, December 5, 2014

.......our farm is off to the stars

 NASA announced that the public can submit their names for inclusion on a dime-sized microchip that will travel on spacecraft voyaging to destinations beyond low-Earth orbit, including Mars. NASA invites you to send your name to Mars via the first Orion test flight in December 2014. Deadline for submissions is Oct 31, 2014. Join over 260,000 others"

Farmer Deno thought that it would be really cool to have our Natomas Farm aboard a historic event.....that is happening as of this very second. I do believe that we are the only farm that submitted for a passenger pass that got accepted Perhaps we will start a tourist trap....."space alien's fruit stand" here at the farm :-) 

Now talking about taking space ship rides to the stars......we are blasting off for the Holidays soon.....but not to the stars. December is really the only free time that we get.....for travel. Doc Jeanette, an teacher/researcher gets time off along with the students of the campus......Farmer Deno gets off due to the rains. This blog will be back on the first week of January 2015.

I bet you don't have a clue where we are going, do you? It's a secret.

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