Friday, February 13, 2015

....dont get your picture posted here

Bacteria and viruses and fungi.....oh my!

These invisible garden organisms are out in your trees this very you are reading this post. Chances didn't do a darn thing to prevent the coming wave of doom. Fact is.....Farmer Deno thinks that these organisms are far worse than the chewing insects that attacks our fruit and veggies. Oh my!

Fact is....most backyard gardeners fight the insects....when they should be fighting these invisible monsters. Oh my!

With the wet weather that just pass.....and the warm heat of the's a perfect situation for multiplication. The other great time for these organisms to grow is in the dead of winter. On every leafless tree out there in your field......billions of bacteria and viruses and fungi sets up shop....waiting for the ol' sun to give them a go signal. Oh my!

At Thanksgiving time.....we start applying cooper spray to the orchards to help rid stuff like peach curl and or that super nasty fire blight  ....and many other organisms to say. Farmer Deno just applied one last time a few days ago......before the buds start to bloom. It's not too late to get an application in.......this week end. Oh yes!

Yes....copper spray is certified to be used on organic farms. Oh really? Oh yes!

That fungi is a killer as well. Diseases include root-rot, black spot, powdery mildew. The best preventative measure? Keep everything clean! It may seem obvious, but plant diseases can only spread if it is given the chance. If fungi and bacteria spores are not given the chance to thrive at the expense of your plants, you will not have a problem. I use a diluted solution of Trewax Natural Orange for these issues. Oh really? Oh yes!

Next month.... I will be posting all of my recipes of various solutions for outside gardening and preventive measures to stop the issues before they get out of that you wont have your picture posted on my blog as the folks above. Oh no!

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