Wednesday, March 18, 2015

....the pigs love the attention of our tours

There are not many farms that a family can visit here in the Sacramento County area. There were a few farms that allowed tours...but have since stopped doing that. Farmer Deno is a firm believer that all kids should spend a little time exploring the wonders that one will find at a rural farm. The parents too.....for many of them never had such a venture.

This year alone....we have had over two hundred visitors. That accounts for the open free tours we offer on the weekends, the per-arranged group tours during the weekday.....and visits from local photographers that brings their clients here.

I remember going to a farm in Southern California....when I was about three years old.....maybe four. There were berries......fruit trees and oh yes.....the chickens. The mysterious hothouse that was built of glass, and then there were chicken coops that offered a dark back room where the eggs would be laid. Picking three or four varieties of berries ......bagging the fruits....and then playing hide n seek where I never found my brother or sister. We went there often. My memories of those fantastic visits....are often. You need to infuse a few memories for your kids.!farm-tours  Visit us! 

Those memories.... 55 plus years later..... landed me here...a rural farm just like the one Mum and Dad would take us too. I may be 60 years old.....but here at the farm.....I am four.

In memory of Madeline Moore and her mate....the "Captain" of that farm in Southern CA:

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