Monday, June 15, 2015

.....pass the sun screen please

The chickens are very upset with Farmer Deno. Last month I moved the pig den from the chicken yard a new area that we call "The Fig Forest". This forest area has a handful of large fig we just finished planting 24 more trees in the area. In five years....the sun will not hit the ground.....hence: forest.

Why you ask are the chickens upset? Ever try to feed two pigs in the morning with 128 chickens..... making an mad dash for the pig food? I would have to stand near the feed bowl each and every morning.....for 15 minutes....waring off the feathery frenzies.

With a few rounds of firewood, a few hours in the sun, and of course a few rounds with those damn can build a perfect cooling area for Richard and Vicky (our pigs).

I brought in a water supply (that pipe you see in the picture above) will be fitted with a battery operated water valve. Once the timer turns on.....the water will flow into the drinking bin....the overflow into the cooling pit. Pigs love that cool mud in the heat of the summer.

Now that we got rid of the feuding hen(s) issues....we have lots of extra time on our hands. I am sure that we will use this excess time to clean up the mud in our house......from our three dogs enjoying their mud bath!

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