Monday, September 7, 2015 this the "finger licking good" joint?

It was a great visual I had when I saw this hen inside this bucket.....feasting on the leftovers of the morning chicken's breakfast. How many times  have I seen that commercial on the tele..... that old guy pushing his bucket of finger licking good......fried chicken.

I have stated many times here in my blog that there are always new things to on the farm. The sights and sounds that is not in the endless. Yesterday was another day of a new experience to hear......a singing bird that really sounded like a squealing piggy! Last week was the smell of burning wood from a neighbor's outdoor fire ring......while watching the flames cast dancing shadows on their 80 foot tall Eucalyptus grove. I tend to pay attention a lot more now since I have moved from the big city.

Have you seen something new today? Let me answer that for you.
Yes. I created a new of the page header.

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