Sunday, October 18, 2015

....making lazy on the berries

Boysenberries are floricane-fruiting..... meaning that they only produce fruit on floricanes.... or canes that grew during the previous year's summer. Primocanes.... or the canes that were produced this year....will not produce any fruit until next summer. This means that during the growing season it gets mighty confusing to Farmer Deno with two different age classes of growth during pruning. Floricanes will generally be brown or grey and much thicker and woodier than the younger primocanes which will be thinner and green.With a little patience and practice ..... it will become second nature in no time.

So they said. Five years's still killing me to figure out which cane is new.

I'm out there in the cane rows each morning before the sun can start to bake me....weeding out the crown area..... cut off dead debris......ridding the wild growth canes with thorns (we grow thorn-less)...and the hunting down those primocanes. I just have a hard time determining the two canes. Time consuming at it's best.......

Time to experiment with an idea that popped up. Identify the canes by a color to make determinations a swifter process. Next week it will be white wash time! The plan to fill a pressure tank with a diluted water base white paint .....spray the floricanes canes that next year it's merely pruning off all painted canes!

Let's see If I am nutz......I will post the results this time next year.

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