Wednesday, February 10, 2016

.......lots of Cluck cluck to be

Farmer Deno would like to introduce our Blog followers to our newest employees of the farm. The 2016 Natomas Farm forecast is.... a bumper year for us. These 100 new employees will be in charge of pest control......fertilizer production.....and of course the egg department.

Much to my surprise......the egg business is a high demand product. Each week our brown eggs are sold out.....and the demand has ended up creating a client wait list! It's been a very long learning curve......on how to raise a flock for eggs. One would think ..... "how can it be that hard to have a hen house for eggs". took nearly 5 years to ace out the knowledge of the poultry business....raising  them that is. The selling part came easy to me.....since I have spent most of my life in a sales atmosphere.

The ups and down over five years......dogs attacking, racoon(s) in the hen house, wrong feed, crows eating the eggs, overlooking daylight hours verses egg production.......I can type a full page of the "education" I have received!

The farm is aiming for a 500 bird operation in 2017. Lots of Cluck cluck to be.

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