Thursday, February 4, 2016

.... Phoenix (little Einstein)

This is one of our favorite kids around our town ......... Phoenix (little Einstein). We had him harvesting his own bag of citrus...gave him a gallon of blood orange juice. Some nice books too.).

Our farm has open arms from all kids to come to visit. Farmer Deno gives tours that are fun to for them to attend. We let them pick stuff that may be growing. Talk about our farm is a simple, fun way. Let them run around. Perhaps climb a fruit tree. It's always fun for the school groups.... and for the families that visits. Most will go home with stuff from the farm...fresh fruit or the veggies that they picked. There are times they get to take home a little tomato plant from our hothouse.

You should visit us. Have you kids see where their food really comes from. A farm.....not a Safeway!

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