Saturday, February 20, 2016

...and it drove me nutz

Years ago.... I had read these two facts...and it drove me nutz thinking what solutions could be had:

[1]. "The amount Americans throw away annually would fill a 100-story. 133 billion pounds of food is wasted each year.... it's enough to fill the Sears Tower 44 times....40 percent of food in the United States today goes uneaten".

[2]. "According to the charity Feeding America, more than 6 billion pounds of fruits and vegetables go unharvested or unsold each year. It's because much of the food on a farm falls victim to aesthetic trifles: the misshapen peach, the tomato too large to fit in a three-pack".

Then I saw this article (below) a few years later. It gave a road map on how we were going to run our Natomas Farm.

"Prior to the mid-1980s....... broken and misshaped carrots were discarded.....leaving some farmers with as little as 30 percent of their crop to take to stores. Tired of throwing away perfectly good food.....California carrot farmer Mike Yurosek took the carrots and used a potato peeler to reshape them into small pieces more suitable for quick munching. Yurosek purchased an industrial green bean cutter to quickly whittle the carrots into the familiar 2-inch portions we still see today — and their popularity took off".

The Natomas Farm has zero crop waste. The Natomas household has zero kitchen waste. The produce that is not edible or cannot be fed to the hens..... turned into eggs. Such a simple solution!

Waste becomes profit!

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