Sunday, March 27, 2016

..........the wonderful little surprises

So while the magical Easter Bunny is dropping off colorful eggs and little toys at all the homes in Rio Linda......the Bunny dropped off Brown Rot Blossom and Twig Blight at our farm. What a pleasant surprise to find!

As while the kiddies are hunting down the wonderful little surprises....Farmer Deno is spending the day hunting for corrupted branches from the Brown Rot Blossom and Twig Blight in the orchards. It is best that if you own a cherry....plum...peach....and an host of other trees your yard/farm....that you go out there right away for an inspection.

This stuff can and will ruin your fruits .....and kill your tree. I suggest you look this up on Google or go here

I am not going to tell you how to fix it (everyone has their own way).....but I will tell you what we are doing about it. Prune off all the infected areas. Throw the debris into a trash bag. Then we started a spray program using Propiconazole 14.3 Select Honor Guard Broad Spectrum Fungicide (it's 14% Propiconazole NOT 1.2 % Propiconazole as sold by the Monterrey brand). It's not can buy it off Amazon. Inspect your tree(s) every three days.

Oh.....and set up a trap for the rabbit. He needs to go.

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