Wednesday, March 16, 2016

........... the wet years of 1938

Yesterday at 6:30 a.m. .....our creek reached it's peak...according to the local creek/river reporting website. Not the first time....this flooding. It is now rescinding at a rapid rate. Not the first time....this flooding. Our Peach tree orchard will survive.....the biggest concern we had. Planting is delayed for several weeks.

Farmer Deno remembers the wet years of 1938......that was bad. I had use our high water elevator tractor for months....just to get the farm's plowing done out there in the fields. Well......I today I pulled out that ol' tractor from the get with it today......plow some planting rows and such.

Free rides on my elevator tractor today....9:am. to noon. Just wade out into the field to see me....for yer' free ride.

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