Wednesday, April 13, 2016

.....we grow a little more than crops

If you ever dreamed about having a probably involved plowing a field with an old tractor......perhaps you were out doing bountiful harvesting with the afternoon wind blowing in your face...... the Sunday chicken dinner outside,  under the shade tree.....with the family. I know that before we bought this "soon to be" farm.....our visions of operating a farm was very similar to a story book.  Mostly...becoming true.

We got involved in the a farm........which is something that was never included in the dreams I speak of.  The local Rio Linda Library had us for their "Cowboys, Farmers, and Ranchers" Festival where little dudes and dudettes come out to the Library to see horses, chickens, and goats...... and learn about where their food comes from. The Historic Society has us for presentations and we also sponsor their "cook off" each month. I lost count of how many churches our farm attends to...for their special community events. Oh....and the Rio Linda /Elverta Food Bank gets lots of attention from us.

Yes.....we give tours of the farm to Home Schooled kids....Girl Scouts...and lots of weekend  seekers. Farmer Deno also caters to the disadvantaged folks. Our farm has been built with a handicapped trail. Special needs kids come here too. 

This month is the National Autism Awareness..... promoting autism awareness.....autism acceptance..... and to draw attention to the tens of thousands facing an autism diagnosis each year. We have several kids that visit us here that deal with autism. One I nicknamed Einstein. He is brilliant with artwork....a intense seeker of cool information from books.....has a great family. I love it when this guy comes by the farm.

Another family of a autism child had posted in a Face Book site for help just last week: "Hi there..anyone have or know someone who owns horses? My son Niko is Autistic n horses are amazing therapy for him..plz comment or pm thank you".

We answered. With pleasure.

Having never been on a farm.......never been near a horse......never been around a bunch of chickens (250), three dogs, and those two lazy pot belly pigs......Niko was living a dream. This 12 year old was quickly adopted by Sony Boy.....a bunch of chickens (250), three dogs, and those two lazy pot belly pigs! Oh....and add the two other horses we have......Big Girl and Sugar. Niko will be a regular visitor to our farm.......and a few other farm / ranches in the area that I will be setting up for him to visit.

If you ever dreamed about having a farm...include the best part.....having that involvement with the community. To learn more about kids with autism ......visit

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