Monday, July 18, 2016 chicks at the beach

It seems that our hens have gone on vacation. The decrease of eggs tells us this. While there could be many reasons for this production loss that happens's really boils down to a few reasons here at our farm.

Chickens love routine... habit and a coop that is not too hot..... and not too cold..... changes to any of these will stress out your hen and cause disruption to their laying. Change of habitat such as construction or loud nose power equipment and hammers.......will not do well with the hens as well.

Occasionally a hen will go broody. This means that she wants to try and hatch those eggs she’s just laid. When a hen “goes broody,” she stops laying eggs and starts sitting on the nest day in and day out.

Just like us humans.....the ladies need a balanced diet. Poor nutrition = poor laying = poor egg quality. It takes a lot of energy to produce those eggs and if you’re hen isn’t getting enough requirements ..........she will stop laying. To produce 1 egg your hen will use up 10% of her body's calcium. Water supply is also a source of a decline in eggs.... make sure your hens have constant access to  a clean water supply.

So if you sell eggs to a weekly clientele list should let the clients know in advance.....that there will be several interruptions of deliveries each year....due to the natural nature of chickens.

You should also make sure that the ladies pack sun block.........

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