Saturday, July 9, 2016

....the key to get out of Hell

I have been working this farm for nearly eight years. We've had our ups and downs such as frost damage......fireblight......leaf miners....and a few more headaches that would fill up an entire page here. It can't get much worse than the above mentioned....right?

If you blog has not been active for quite a spell. My personal computed died.....and if you don't know your password to died. It can't get much worse than the above mentioned....right?

Two months later (last week)....I found the password. Now for the hell on Earth story.......

This story starts back some 6 years ago.....laying underground main line pvc lines here on the farm Job went well....and worked out great. Well.......turns out that the glue used with the PVC was factory recalled....defective. Yes.....nearly all the glued components came apart after a year or so. All had to be redone. Except for the section under the dry creek.....and this is where this story really begins......

It took too long to see a water issue....damaging the crops. Having spent too much time trying to locate the break in the pipe.....sand got into the entire watering system. Timers......valves....drip tape....the entire system got damaged. The moment the underground pipe got was discovered that our water well was now pumping in sand! Over used well that was putting out 30 pounds pressure of water 24/7 for about three weeks. Thanks to a great neighbor.... Mark Newman....the issues with the well was a easy fix. Without Mark....we would had to call a well repair company at a cost of hundreds of dollars.  It can't get much worse than the above mentioned....right?

Yeah....our farm truck decided it's radiator was going bad. It's all about water this month!

The real lesson to learn from my post here....for the new farmer to be.....check that existing water well for a filter! $100 fix. I also installed smaller filters out in the fields. Still in repairs of our irrigation systems after all this time. .......and the farm maintenance to the farm's tree orchard care has gone to hell. Do I still recommend getting a farm........and mental health insurance?


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