Thursday, September 15, 2016

......the farm is already at work for the Spring 2017

Fall is coming and the farm is already at work for the Spring 2017! Farmer Deno is preparing ground for a new orchard....of a old Turkish variety of "Smyrna" Quince. Makes delicious jellies and pie fillings. Most of you probably never even heard of this fruit. Sort of tastes like a pineapple/pear.

The boysenberry patch is bigger than ever......and it too is expanding. Our fruit stand ran out of berries each weekend (that is good)!

The Blood Plums planted last year produced a few boxes of fruit recently......and according to the folks that were given sample bags of fruit....they were simply the best plums ever! 

Yes....we closed the farm sales a bit early this due to repair all the damage from the broken water piper that bled sand into out driplines, sprinklers, timers, and valves. Two months of fully operational. Whew!

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