Sunday, October 16, 2016

.....should had done this years ago

If you have followed this blog over the past would know that we use riding lawn mowers for getting out in the fields. Yes....we have a tow trailer behind us for carrying field tools....needs for crop harvesting, transportation of harvested crops....and so much more.

The mowers may not have the speed of a quad runner....but they do have the power to tow. Also...riding mowers are far cheaper to repair. Not to mention, a quad-runner costs around $8000.00, whereas the Cub Cadet costs $2200.00.

Perhaps the biggest advantage is that the visiting family members don't want to go "off road" on a riding mower :-) Another advantage of the mower is that it actually mows! Many times, heading out to the fields.....or returning.....we will mow a strip between the orchard trees (or berries). Time saving.

I should have added a tool box and an open carry crate to the top of the hood years ago. The tool box is needed.....for the tools slip out of the crate. The crate is great for housing mosquito spray and irrigation repair parts. Life becomes so much easier.

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