

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Eat no blosoms.....

Here we are inside the orchards......heavy scents of fruiting trees. Today I am working on the watering systems within the Plueot orchard, and doing inspections of the trees......looking for beetle borers in the trunks, rots, and missing branches!

Yes...the great experiment worked! The horses have been grazing inside the orchards for about three weeks now..........and there is absolutely no damage from the big fellers. Three little branches ate...two sprinkler heads damaged....and ZERO mowing of the orchards. Oh yeah....!

Once again...we are using the same square foot of land....for multiple uses at the same time. There is less fuel and maintenance for the mower. The grass is saving us big bucks from not having to buy it from the feed store. Last but not least....the amount of labor saved is fantastic. Now I have time to watch Mr Ed reruns..

Hey...you know how they got that horse to talk? Peanut butter was applied to his gums just before filming. When the camera started rolling, Mr. Ed would lick the peanut butter off and his mouth movements made it look like he was really "talking".


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