

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Apples are loving their attention...

New trees were installed over the last few weeks in the Apple orchard.....replacing the dead. We were hit with the apple blight.....and still fighting the war.

Experimenting with redoing the current drip systems....to bring the emitter up to the tree itself...and not laying on the ground. Several reasons for this change. First...the horses are stepping on the emitters. 1200 pounds of animal is not good for these units! Second reason is,  I can clearly see if the emitter is functioning or not...spot check and adjustments time is cut by 90%. No more on my knees to adjust....no more pulling back the weeds and grasses to see if water is emitting.....Oh yeah!

About 20 trees were readjusted with this system. I will monitor the results for a month...and then redo the entire orchard(s) this way.

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