Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oh.... what a surprise this was!

We had no intentions of growing grapes here at the Natomas Farm. I found table grapes at liquidation prices, and bought up good 5 dozen 1- gal containers in our first year on the farm. I didn't plant these for over two years, I had no idea what to do with them...............
 The old chain link fence at the frontage of the farm was removed almost immediately after moving in, we hate fencing. The dogs hate fencing too. So off went the ugly barrier and off went Lucky dog! It was discovered that Lucky is a tire chaser.......a dog that chases cars and attempts to bite at the tires. I figured this out when I came home one day.......and saw that the dog had a "skid mark" from her nose to the mid section of her face!

 Back up went the fence..... 24 hours later. 14 gauge welded mesh wire  attached to standard "T" post. Ugly once again.

 A drip line along the fence at 18 inches in height......attached with plastic ties.....was applied for preparation of installing those grapes that I had bought two years previously. "It be a nice covering for the ugly fence". That year it became a nice looking frontage.......a "farm" look. The grapes did little in way of producing fruit. This second year.......we were canning grapes, giving grapes to the neighbors, loads went off to the horses (which they loved), and not to mention the happy_ happy - joy_ joy chickens! The fruit was shoulder to shoulder under the leafs!
 Amazed and dazed! We are planning to expand the grapes to a full crop for retail. Table grapes and raisins production is on the drawing board. This winter I will start preparing the entire perimeter fences for grapes. There will be posts about the installations in a few months.
 All this from a "skid mark"!

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