Saturday, September 29, 2012

Where's the diving board?

It's the end of summer and fall has arrived. Yahoo! No more hot days. I thought. The dogs thought too. Here are the twins......taking the last of their pool privileges for the year.  We are experiencing a heat wave this week.
 I relocated the dog pool from the driveway area to the side of the garage,  where there is plenty of shade from the landscaping. Cut back some shrubs and relocated a water valve. The pools blends into the landscape very nicely. Without sunlight, algae can't I am cleaning the pool far less frequent.
  Adding barley straw to a pond at the beginning of the season is also wise. It comes in bail, pellet, or liquid form. As barley straw breaks down, it creates enzymes that help to keep water clear. I don't do it ....but on larger pools or should.

 Now.......where can I squeeze in?

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