Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Frost...some more frost.....still more!

 For the last 25 days .....we have had temperatures that are 32f .....or lower each night.....with the exception of two nights that were 36f. Unheard of weather of the Sacramento Valley. It's been soooooooo cold.....that our wood burning heater has been going 24/7 for 25 days.....non stop! The front yard lawn if walked on...crunches into a broken mass that resembles broken glass. Worst.....I have to force the dogs to go out in the early mornings, what dirty looks I get........
 Damage here has been at a minimum. A few broken pipes, an water valve cracked ....therefor slowly is releasing some water, last year's growth on the lemon trees got frost bit. Frankly, I am surprised that there wasm't more damage here at the farm, considering a handful of the frosty nights hit 23f .
 Sign of the cold winter is disappearing today. The covers on the oranges trees were taken off this past hour....the weather forecast is not showing frost........the heater in the chicken coop is being removed.......and I am actually going to let that fire heater died off that's been going on for 24/7. ....which will leave me with five frowning dogs :-)
 A few new lessons learned from this harsh winter.....and a few new findings. More on that in the following posts.

Reminder: You may have missed MANY of the posts I have submitted.... due to the crazy email notification application. I urge you, that next time you get a notification in your email.....just go to the main page of my blog  thenatomasfarm.blogspot.com  to see ALL of the day's posts!