Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Leave me alone....Winter is not over!

 Here's Sparky dog....on her sofa taking a winter's nap. The wood burning heater is nearby and boy.....does she love that heat. Yes....I said her sofa! We bought it for her....to enjoy her twilight years...... in comfort.
 Sparky is grinning her eyes at me....."it's time to work the farm again" says Farmer Deno! We have winter clean up to do, projects to finish that didn't get done.......such as the coops..... equipment that needs tending to........and those pesty little house hold repairs that seems to be endless.
 Farmer Deno.......been under the weather with all that hospital stuff.....and recuperation for the last 40 days. He has been under that winter too, that has been brutal and damaging here at the Natomas Farm. So much to get done..........and yes Sparky dog.....those darn gophers are back....I need you help old friend.

Let's get to work.