Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Not like the last two years..........

Many projects are in progress right now on the farm. Road building, main street visual improvements that consist of taking down old trees / pruning the old trees - improving the drainage canal - removal of debris - installing new trees....the list seems endless.
 Taking a small break away from the tractor which was killing me by the end of the day....Farmer Deno has returned to the winter's plumbing damage repairs, and some new plumbing installations. If you have been following this blog from the "get go".....you'll remember the post about how I did all the underground water feed lines out to the far field.....only to have bought factory defective PVC glue. Many of the joints failed.

 Farmer Deno's patience failed too...........

 This year pipe issues were at a minimum......thanks to last year's time spent on replacement / repairs of the original pipe installation. There was only three breaks .....from the frost. Also on the current repair list..... is one of the main water stations that my dear son decided to back into with his little red convertible. That "little red car" did big time damage.
 Also on the hit list was .....and is now completed.....relocation of the water feed down in front of the berry patch. It was moved because that area is being worked on to become a unpaved parking area for the future fruit stand. We don't broken water in the middle of a parking area.

Writing this post about the water issues reminds me of just how I felt last year....redoing most of the water lines...... Curly