Monday, March 4, 2013

Where are the bees?

 A very disturbing site here at the bees! The pluot orchard as well as the almond trees are in full bloom, and not a single bee was found yesterday. The pluot tree is a hybrid cross between an apricot and plum tree. I'll be checking again today.....but to find any not expected. 
 The showy flowers are in concerto with the aroma......very pleasant to walk into the orchards. It reminds me of the orange orchards down in Salton Seas......powerful scent of sweetness in the warm we used to drive into one of the orchards..... to take a sleep break on our way south. Best sleep ever happens at Salton Seas. Most farmers don't mind the "unofficial" rest stops as long as no damage (or eating their crop) is done,
 I am not so sure what will happen to this year's crop being no bees. Pollination is vital. So much work has gone into these fruit trees. They have been pruned to produce stronger branches to hold up to the weight of the fruit clinging onto the tree....a new improved watering system which by the way, is working out great........just one more issue to solve and that is: birds :-(

 The Natomas Farm will have to hire out our Granddaughter to do the pollination if we don't see the rest of the hive......