

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thank you birds....for the leftovers


 I certainly understand now why cherries are expensive to buy....it's a on going war with farmer and birds that really racks up the hours! The time spent chasing birds....and the time spent on picking one little red cherry at a time.....is mind boggling. The bowl of cherries is from our trees. The little harvest here may last the night :-)

 Each day I watched our little red fruits disappear.....just the ripe ones. How does the bird know exactly when the fruit is ripe? I am not kidding.....these flying thieves will leave us the unripe and the unwanted!

 So today.....I started picking our little red fruits that the birds were so generous to leave us.

My Cherry Tree
by Ellen Bailey
I sat watching the birds in my cherry tree
There were so many they out-numbered the leaves
They would flint and flutter and fly all about
Stuffing my cherries in their little mouths

There were bluebirds and redbirds and sparrows
They had come to my tree for the fruit to borrow
They made a lot of noise and were happy as can be
I began to doubt if there would be any left for me

I planted that tree and nurtured it from seed
I watered and pruned it as often was the need
I toiled and labored to protect it from the cold
I was raising prized cherries, or so I was told

But these feathered friends thought not of me
They kept nibbling and gobbling on my cherries
"Stop", I shouted, "and leave that tree"
"You have taken more cherries than you need"

My pleading cries went unheeded
Then I realized just what I needed
I rush to my neighbor's house for a chat
And returned to my cherry tree and sat
With my new found friend, the neighbor's cat