Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just when you think you have seen it all...........

 We have a routine here at the farm......(actually, everything here at the farm is a routine) collect the eggs from our coops each late afternoon.  Each is the same.....nothing ever changes with the chickens anymore. There is no more learning about chickens.....for I have experience every single possible......and impossible....lesson about these feathered ladies.

 I go in to make sure that there is plenty of straw bedding in the boxes......checking the pond to make sure there is plenty of water....eye'ing the fence line to make sure it is secured for the evening lock down. Perhaps I should start checking for wild turkeys that appear from nowhere!

 Yes......we had a turkey that decided that our chickens were having a great life with the all you can eat buffet......the acres of roaming fields....and a pond to relax in! This turkey is amazingly friendly not only to humans...but to the other animals here at the farm. She has laid claims to the pig pen rooftop for her nightly slumber. I actually think.....looking at this turkey.....she is expressing happiness!

 Say......when is Thanksgiving?