Sunday, July 14, 2013

Signs of cracking

It was hot as hell here in the Valley for just about two weeks. 100f plus  went on for 9 days. Of course that heat wave came right when Farmer Deno started the construction of our fruit stand. There is very little to accomplish working outside when it is 100f. I simple don't.

Even warm season vegetables that like sunlight don't work either....... especially tomatoes..... can be adversely effected by too much high intensity sun. Signs of cracking, solar yellowing or green shoulders are common this time of year on young tomato crops experiencing sudden heat waves.

The limited crops we have.....are now looking better with the "normal" weather pattern we are having......though the shade trees are just now getting over the heat shock.

Oh yes.....the fruit stand is nearly completed....I will be posting about it in a few days.

I wonder if there is any normalcy on a farm?