Sunday, October 13, 2013

Let's talk repurpose...............

I love this word "repurpose". "Recycle" sounds little it is something from the county dump that can be melted down into a new toaster. Repurpose is sort of like taking something that is no longer in need for it's original purpose....and using it for another project.

50 or 100 pound grain feed bags have a great repurpose. This includes those plastic woven / cloth bags that rice comes in..... which our farm here buys offen as feed for the ladies (our chickens).

If you are on a have lots of exposed water pipes.....and faucets such as the one above that is next to our home. We have many more out in the field .............that needs protection from the winters.

This past winter..... the farm here experienced 33 days of bitter frost.....including several of those nights where the temperatures dropped down too 23f . Farmer Deno hates the cold.....the horses hates the cold......the water pipes hates the cold too.

Taking the feed bags, I double looped the bags around the pipes. No cutting of the material necessary unless you love to do extra work for nothing. Once you have the wrap in place...use plastic ties as secure the material. So dog Sparky can do it.

Buying pipe wrap from Home Depot would cost about $4.oo per faucet.....times that by the number of faucets on the entire farm.

Oh yeah.....I love the money saved. Oh....and the environment.

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