Thursday, January 9, 2014

Do I look happy to be back....?

Holidays have passed........ and it's time to gear up the ol farm towards the new year of 2014. Before I say anymore..... there was a flood of complaints about us catching that Rudolf the Red Nose reindeer.....Farmer Deno released her from the cage.

However....we still have Santa locked up :-)

The order of bare root fruit trees are coming next week....and Farmer Deno has been out there digging the holes........all done by hand. Once the trees arrive....we have just two days to get the stock out of the shipping boxes to the ground. Time is critical because the roots of the new Honey Crisp Apples, Pluots, Red Pears, and the Oso Peaches will dry out.

Have you ever wonder why bare root and not containers like you see at Home Depot are offered...... by the catalog nurseries? Cheaper to ship. Bare root deliveries come in large cardboard boxes. Amazing that trees can be grown 200 miles away and yet be here in 18 hours.

In case you are new to reading our blog here....we currently have these variety of trees in the our field except for the Pears.....we are expanding the orchards. Increasing the orchard size is critical......the demand for our fruit was astonishing last year.....and the fact that I ate one hell of lot of the crop :-)

Holidays over, eh?

Well...I really didn't get one to say. Most of that vacation was spent with son Wade tearing up the farm house here. We restore the kitchen to it's original grander. This house was built back in 1928....having an "farm kitchen" to it. Somewhere along the years.......somebody stuck in a dividing wall of the kitchen.....and blocked up a few windows. All has been restored.  Now the flooring, cabinets and all that stuff comes during the year as time permits me to do that.

Don't forget to visit our fruit stand in the Spring....we have extra large watermelon coming in off the fields 

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