Tuesday, December 24, 2013

....Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer wont make it

A apology to my Grand kids..... this red nose reindeer will not be helping out Santa this year.

Yes.......we caught this Rudolph red nose reindeer grazing on our farm late last night. The neighbors and Gramps ....was able to round her up and get her into a pen. Will display her during our farm tours.

We are waiting for that ol' Santa Claus too....to capture him as well. Last year he broke our chimney..... and he ate MY cookies and milk. Grampa plans to put him in a pen too. Will display him during our farm tours too.

Just think.....you will be able to see him every day here at the farm!

The Natomas Farm blog will be quiet for the next three weeks. We have family coming for the holidays and some travel on the books.  My next blog will be about the new orchard trees that are due to be delivered on the second week of January.

So kids......come here on Xmas day and wish Santa a happy holiday in his new home.

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