Friday, February 7, 2014

..a little tree bud I saw today will grow up to cobbler

It's only February and it seems like a fine Spring day to me.....and this great weather that is going into day 54 without allowing Farmer Deno to really catch up on his work load. 55 arrived today with rain.....and prediction of four inches of rain in the next three days. But Farmer Deno has lots of work that he set aside for a raining day. Working on the walk in cooler box......preparing berry cuttings in the new hothouse......I can even work on the kitchen remodeling that is a ongoing job til summer. Not having tasks set aside for these rained out days is truly a wasted amount of valuable time, so make sure that you set aside work....unless you love to watch those re-runs of "I Love Lucy" all day long.

But let's get back to that fine Spring day stuff.....

The past week has been very busy with the Orchards. We have four far :-)  Cleaning of any wild shoots that were popping up around the base of the trees....pruning any dead or broken branches....thinning out the branches.....and most important to me is to check all the trunks for any damage from equipment use.

Have you got you fruit trees done? Well it's not to get on it !

While I was feeding the Pluots yesterday......three of the trees were displaying opened buds Farmer Deno really wasn't seeing the these flowers ....rather I was seeing a big chunk of oven warm Pluot Cobbler with a slab of vanilla ice cream. Oh oh oh ! Yes......I have the recipe for this cobble at our new upcoming website this month.

Oh oh oh...lucky me! I have frozen Pluots in the freezer and guess what I am having for dessert tonight?

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