Tuesday, May 13, 2014

.....free air conditioner for all

Working outdoors for so many years.....especially with my landscape company, we had here in Sacramento (Kissmygrass.com Landscapers) ......I learned a lot from my workers about keeping cool. Now you're going to think that I am going to recommend wearing a hat with my next sentence here. Not a bad idea to keep the sun off the ol forehead though. 

However....this post is really about wearing a straw hat that actually has air conditioning! Do I have your attention now? While working on a job site one sizzling summer day ....and it was getting hotter ......one of the guys on my crew gave me his straw hat. At first, I was taken aback by all his sweat rolling off this hat that he stuck onto my head. Oh yuck and I was bout to rip off when he said " No, sólo es agua "! So it wasn't sweat ...rather it it was cool water from the faucet. It was like stepping into a air conditioned room instantly......cooling my body down. Whoa! Cool lesson learned that I haven't forgotten about for some twenty plus years.

 Go on line to buy a hat that is straw...looks rather like the picture above. I believe Home depot has these too. In fact...buy several of them...they are ten bucks apiece...at most. Now take that hat under a cool running water faucet...creek...lake...whatever you have nearby. Snap it once (shake) to remove the excess water (I don't)....then place it on your head. Repeat every 30 minutes. One hat will last about a month.

I guarantee you that the penguins will be jealous of you!

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