Friday, May 2, 2014

...planting some real cool stuff this summer

Healy's Pride. Introduced in 1952 by some guy by the name of....your guess it....... Healy of St. Francisville, Illinois. This is a vintage variety of cantaloupe that is so packed of flavor.

You might be thinking about right now...."who cares". Well....if you love melons then you will love the variety of melons that the Natomas farm is planting this summer. I'll say the same for most of our produce here. We grow varieties of produce that you're not going to find at the local super store. For instance....coming in this summer..... we will have the Cherokee Purple tomatoes, Napoleon Sweet pepper, boysenberries ....and let's not forget the "Black" Watermelon!

Now those Healy's Pride cantaloupes can get up to ten pounds apiece. The Cherokee Purple.....I have seen them at 6 pounds! This is the choice of produce that we do not have to compete the local Farmer's Markets or other outlets. This is why we grow Blood Oranges to Pluots....really no competition.

I'll leave you here with one of my Father's favorite desserts: half a cantaloupe with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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