Thursday, June 12, 2014

......Yippee-ti-yay, little dudes and dudettes

Having a must get involved with the local order to be successful. This is exactly what the Natomas Farm has been doing for the past year. Farmer Deno gives tours....I give groups information about sustainable farming at their events....gotten involved with the local food bank and the farmers market. Perhaps my favorite is bout to I was just invited to set up an farm information space at the Rio Linda Library.

Sally McGrath is the Branch Supervisor.....and she is one heck of a swell lady. We had a meet today down there......filling me in on the game plan that is set for this Saturday. I was quick to accept the offer after hearing what she said to me.....that she is taking in all the advice of the make this event a huge success. Wow.....I love it when people in charge are open to suggestions. This is how winners come about.

Oh...what is so special about this event? It's designed for the kids. Cowboys to Farmers to Ranchers will be there telling the stories and showing the trades. They have 100 free cowboy hats and another 100 .....well.....just read this below from their website:

Cowboys, Farmers, and Ranchers: Hoofin' it to Read at Rio Linda!
Family/All Ages
June 14, Saturday, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
 Yippee-ti-yay, little dudes and dudettes, we are hoofin’ it to read in Rio Linda! Come on out and see sheep, goats, chickens, horses, and maybe even a llama or a great big tortoise! Some critters have paws, some have claws, and you’ll see lots of critters with hooves. You’ll see homegrown fruits and vegetables that Rio Lindans have grown. Plant a seed, spin wool, and listen to the music of an Indian drum. Cowboy showman and trick roper, James Barrera, will perform at 4:00. Learn about the Rio Linda of today and yesterday. We’ll have lots of library books for you to borrow about cowboys, ranchers, and farmers. The first 100 little cowboys and cowgirls who sign up for Summer Reading at this event will receive a Rio Linda homemade bandana to wear on the range. All ages are invited to hoof it on out to Rio Linda Library for this Paws to Read Summer Reading event, which is sponsored by the Friends of Rio Linda Library. 

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