Wednesday, July 2, 2014

...excuse me while I go yank brother Dick off

I used to read a lot of books as a youngster....growing up in the big city of Arcadia CA. My favorite reading was always the Fun with Dick and Jane at the Farm.  Now how cool would that be to play all day in the green fields and feeding the cows...perhaps driving Grandpa's tractor around the back field? Those thoughts stayed with me for years......

54 years later here I am....the town folk calls me Farmer Deno  and I have a field to play in. Let me not forget to mention that we have plenty of farm animals here too. Ah.......just like the Fun with Dick and Jane at the Farm book......I now drive around in the same old tractor that was illustrated in those books!

Farmer Deno and Jeanette, finally found the perfect tractor for our envision of maintaining a sustainable farm. "Re-use" Re-cycle" Re-purpose" is the wonderful vocabulary that our farm likes to use. Now I am not fanatic on the use of  "Re-use" Re-cycle" Re-purpose" material for the farm.....we do view any purchases first with these views above.

Yes....sometimes we do have to do big box stores...but not before Farmer Deno shops at the local Rio Linda Hardware here in town. Why?'s cheaper to run there with the cost of fuel, my dollars spent there supports my little town .....and I actually can save a buck on materials by asking them questions about a task that I might be doing.

We bought a vintage tractor that required a little bit of work to get it running great. It looks just like the one above. The sell price was great....considering it came with a front bucket and a rear scraper. No seat though. There will not be any monthly bank payments or any full insurance costs attached to it. Not buying a new factory tractor saves the environment and natural resources such as for production...and to say that there was no transportation fuel used from the manufacturing state if it was a new unit.

Yes...we feel great that we did our part in being minded about the  environment.

Now it's my turn to play with the tractor....excuse while I go yank my brother Dick off of it.......

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