Wednesday, September 10, 2014

....the Queen is gone.

Sparky Dog......the K9 Queen of her puppies.....Shadow, Damn Lucky, Black, and Number Four......has left us on this dark day at the farm. A very dark day. I sit here choking back I write.

I found her 15 years ago in a local address of a no man's land here in Sacramento. Seeing the yipping litter of puppies and the unkempt house that showed signs of "not good for dogs".......I could only take one at the time. Sparky Dog was immediately picked out as she went straight up to a magnet. Her life was bout to become fantastic......and it did.

A week later.....Sparky was placed in a cardboard box...with a ribbon....and was presented to my 5 year old son Nicky for his 5th birthday. He named her Sparky....after the Fireman's Dog found in children's books.

A dog that became most as a whip....and protective not with teeth but that deep roar of her bark......and a professional beggar at our dinner table!  A city dog for half of her life...then becoming a farm dog. Suzie Q would had be proud of her.

She really had the best of worlds. Air conditioned home in the city with an tropical landscape in the rear yard.......the camping trips....the discovery of those lizards in our farm wood piles where she spent HOURS trying to catch them little buggers.

She was indeed......The Queen.

Thanks Sparky Dog for giving us Shadow, Damn Lucky, Black, and Number Four. You are now with Shadow and Number Five......and we will take very good care of your others down here.

 My favorite post that I did about my Sparky Dog:

"Oh way to get pass this more getting my belly all dirty up by going under it"

 "Oh ya..I love this new way to get pass this gate.....come on Mom Sparky Dog"

Hun? What new way?

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